Drake is such a funny boy. Every morning when I go to get him dressed he crawls away from me as fast as he can, hides behind the rocking chair, plays peek a boo then he goes on the hunt for his binky that he had lost in the middle of the night. In this picture his binky was stuck on the crib. He would suck on his binky and then try to crawl away with the binky in his mouth but it wouldn't follow. He didn't want to leave it behind so he went back to suck on it. He attempted to crawl away with it a few times. He was torn he wanted the binky so bad but he wanted to cruise around also. I gave in and let the binky loose after a few laughs.
Drake is a dish washer magnet. Every time he hears the dish washer he is there as fast as his little legs can crawl. ( It make doing dishes kind of rough.)
Another thing Drake found that he loved was a sucker. (What kid doesn't?) Thanks to Kason Drake found a new love at a very young age. He hasn't been able to have one since that I know of. With an older brother and older sisters who know what he gets.